How To Design Storage For A New Tiny House Kitchen

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One of the most difficult things to do and any home is to design the kitchen. This is a space that is arguably used more than any other room in the home. Regardless of the size of your house, your kitchen needs to contain certain items.

Most of these are major appliances. This will include your range, refrigerator, freezer, and dishwasher if you have the room. This gets a little more complex when you're trying to do this in a tiny home where you have a very limited amount of space. It can be even more difficult when you are trying to also have storage space for food items, pots and pans, and everything else that goes in the kitchen. In order to do this properly, you need to have sources for appliances designed for tiny homes that so many people own today.

Can You Get Major Appliances For A Tiny Home?

The answer to this question is yes. There are various forms of camping equipment that will work in a small area. That is what they are originally designed for. However, within a tiny house, there is very little ventilation on a regular basis, unless you open your windows. Therefore, everything that you will use will be electrical in most cases. That being said, most major appliances run on electricity. Even better, more companies today are specializing in the production of tiny appliances that will allow people to populate their kitchen area.

How To Find These Companies

Initially, you should look on major websites that showcase kitchen appliances to see what they have available. There are some that will actually have appliances that are extremely small, designed for very minimalistic areas. This is exactly what you have with the tiny home. You may have no more than 50 square ft. to work with which means all of your appliances must be either very small or extremely narrow. Fortunately, you can get a range, dishwasher, refrigerator, and also freezer that will fit perfectly in a tiny kitchen.

Specialty Companies That Make These Appliances

Your other option is to work with companies that now specialize in the creation of all things for tiny homes. They will likely have put more forethought into the production of these appliances so that they will fit, and also look good, within these smaller areas. The cost may be more than with the standard appliances that you will find for sale on major websites. However, it can help the interior of your tiny home look exceptional by obtaining them from these companies. This will give you plenty of storage space that will remain by using these smaller appliances.

Once you have added all of your tiny appliances, you should have plenty of storage space remaining in your tiny kitchen. You should also design the kitchen before you even begin to have designated areas for utensils, pots, pans, and all of the items you will use in your kitchen. By spending a little bit of time researching these items, you will not only be able to save money, but create the exact kitchen with plenty of storage space in your tiny house.